Battle of the Stitches: Who copied who?

I stand accused

kill bill_1

I’m back, my first blog post of the year, but I desperately need to clear something up before I can ever write another blog post again. I stand here today, accused of stealing, yes stealing, stealing someone’s style. Taking it from them and claiming it to be my own. Continue reading

Battle of the Stitches (Round 3): A Stitch Back in Time

rubiks cube

Do you remember 1975?

Think Rubiks’s cubes, mood rings, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It was the year Margaret Thatcher was elected to lead Britain’s Conservative Party. We didn’t wear seat belts in the car, microwave ovens were all the rage, Dymo label makers were popular and we were excited to know which shape window we were going to look through in Play School.

Today we are going ‘a stitch back in time’, to when tops were tight, collars were big, trousers were high and bottoms were flared. Come along and groovy on down.

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Battle of the Stitches: Round 2. Going grey


Battle of the Stitches: Round 2 is a personal battle for me. A battle to be comfortable in front of the camera. I mean what do you do with your arms for goodness sake? What facial expression do I make? Dreamy? Pensive? Sultry? A cheesy smile? I could just imitate the model in the book and then call on my good friend Photoshop. Semi colon hyphen bracket.

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Battle of the Stitches: The Jagger Jeans Sew-Off continues

east v south sew off

Put your dancing shoes on and shake your thang.

Jagger jean toes

I’m ready to bust some moves today. I thought about getting down street style, but changed my mind.

dance move5My Jagger Jeans are all about freedom of movement in a modern, contemporary way. Continue reading