The big bubble party dress

bubble dress 1

Ok, so I didn’t get Darcy’s party dress finished in time for the party, but as all the other girls went to the party in their school uniform (how totally uncool), Darcy would have been overdressed so it didn’t matter. Phew!

This bubble dress has turned out to be one of my favourite items I’ve sewn so far. I just love its simplicity and its bounce. Another great pattern from Heidi and Finn. Though the pattern says “great for those just starting to sew”, I think it was a little tricky and you need to be quite accurate to get a neat professional finish.

The fit was perfect on Darcy, a slim bodice and good length for someone as tall as she is. I was lucky on this one that I didn’t have to make any adjustments.

bubble dress2bubble dress 3

I used a beautiful grey linen that I bought from a shop in Walthamstow Market. Silly me didn’t check how much fabric I needed before I began cutting out the pattern. So I had to go back and get some more, fortunately they still had some left.

When I got home and laid the fabric out I was quite disappointed to find that the sales assistant had cut the fabric pretty much precisely 1.5m on the dot, not a mm over what I asked for. I expect to get a bit extra, say 5cm or so extra fabric than I asked for, just to be on the safe side, incase it’s not cut straight, or just to be generous and to keep me, the customer happy. Perhaps I’m asking too much, I would be interested to know what you think the correct etiquette is when it comes to cutting fabric. I felt quite cheated.

For the lining I used a bright pink cotton which is a stunning contrast to the grey. You can see subtle hints of it around the neckline, arms and at the back where it fastens with a soft, blue grey button.

bubble dress_hanging

As it happens Darcy has another party coming up. Guess what she’ll be wearing. 

bubble dress4

Darcy loves her new dress, it’s the kind of dress where you can’t help but want to, jump, twist, twirl, spin, hop, bounce…

bubble dress6bubble dress5

14 thoughts on “The big bubble party dress

  1. Absolutely love this dress! Seriously impressed..perhaps time to go cold turkey on the grey tho? Have to mention that first photo too..gorgeous styling and lil’ model x


    • Thank you. Such a slick pattern. I’ve got a few more of your wonderful patterns in the pipeline. I’m actually looking for a snazzy blazer pattern for my daughter, something you could help me with? Could be a winner for Heidi and Finn perhaps?


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