16 sewing patterns to be GIVEN AWAY

ruffle top6 made by Needle and Ted

‘Pretty’ is not how I would usually describe the things I make for my girls. There is nothing pretty about grey, my usual colour of choice. But this blog post features a pretty girl, with pretty eyes, wearing a pretty flowers in her hair, in a pretty blouse, made out of pretty fabric. And just so that the overload of pretty doesn’t make you want to vomit, I toned it all down with a pair of jeans. Continue reading

Feeling uninspired

Stone henge dress_2It’s my first ever sewing competition and I was feeling very uninspired. I signed up to Top Stitchers because I love a challenge, but I think I got ‘challenge’ and ‘competition’ muddled up. The fact it was a competition actually stressed me out, I was certainly feeling the pressure (and not liking it). Continue reading