Florence Christmas Blog Tour: DAY 4

Call Ajaire

Hi, I’m Ajaire from Call Ajaire and I’m excited to participate in this series, but first a brief introduction.  I’ve always loved making. At an early age I started cross stitching and sewing and I taught myself to knit and crochet during college. When our now three and a half year old daughter Bean was born I was filled with all sorts of inspiration, so now I find ways to manage my crafty time and treasure those moments.  Okay, I won’t hold out any longer…. I just can’t wait for you to see more of the Florence I made for my girl!


 Sewing Sober

Hey all, it’s Ashley from Sewing Sober. I am so excited to be on the Florence tour with all these amazing bloggers, and was floored when Olu asked me to participate! I am a mommy of two little girls ages 5 and 10mo, 25 years old and living in Tampa, Florida with my fiancé Ryan. I hope you enjoy my “non-traditional” holiday Florence 🙂

Sewing sober


Bonnie & Lottie

Hi I’m Sam from Bonnie & Lottie.  When Olu contacted me about the Florence I was so flattered to be included and immediately intimidated.  Although I have sewn many outfits for my 2 daughter’s, I have been able to avoid the blouse.  It took me ages to find the right fabric but when I did, it all came together!  Head on over to my adventures in blouse making with a festive spin.  Thanks Olu!

Bonnie and Lottie


And don’t forget to head over to the Florence Competition page and tell us your favourite Florence so far.




Comments make me happy :-)