My world record achievement


9am There’s a knock at the door, it’s the postman with a package. For me, yipeeee!!!

9.02am I open the package. It’s fabric from Luckyshop0228. Whoop! whooop!

9.10am I find myself happy dancing. It’s OK, no one’s watching.

9.30am I wash my fabric. 30 degrees on a quick 20 min wash.

10.30am I hang my fabric on the radiator to dry. Mmmm!!! I love that smell.

11.30 My fabric is dry. Hurrah!

12.30 Using my trusted friend of a pattern, The Ziggy top, I cut my fabric. Oooo! I’m so excited.

1.30 I begin to sew. Ahhhh! therapy.

2.45 I’m finished. Rama lama lama ka dingity dinga dong!


How’s that for the speed? Oh yeah I’m a sewing ninja I tell you. Call Mark McKinley. It’s officially a record. From knock at the door to splendiferous Ziggy top in 6 hours. I’m officially amazing.

About The Ziggy top


The Ziggy top is one of of those blank canvas patterns. Sew it as it is, or ‘just add detail‘. For Scout’s mushroom Ziggy I simply lengthened the back, keeping the front as is. And although already a roomy boxy style, I sized up for longevity.




You wouldn’t think that by cutting on the fold, it would leave mushroom for error. But somehow, and I really can’t explain it, I managed to make one side longer than the other making a diagonal ‘feature’ at the front.



But I kinda like it. I only wish that it was more of a drastic difference so that it looks deliberate. Next time I’ll exaggerate the wonky.

I could be on to something.



OK, enough pictures.


Fabric: Mushroom French Baby Terry, also comes in pink and grey.

Pattern: Madeit Patterns The Ziggy top, also comes in 0-18 months.

Model: Mine, also comes in older, bigger, taller size.

10 thoughts on “My world record achievement

  1. Scout gets more beautiful every time I see her! I completely agree with the wonkiness…make another one….maybe for big sister and really go for that high low how far can I go look. I think it will end up too cool!


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