A gift for a little girl who loves dogs

dog by Needle & Ted

I know a little girl* who loves dogs. She is obsessed with them. She spends her pocket money on dog toys. Not toys that look like dogs or toys that have dogs on them but toys that are actually meant for dogs.

Sometimes she even thinks she is a dog and chases balls and returns them. Or she gets her sisters to pretend they are dogs so she can take them out for walks.

She’s turning 7, so I had to make her something dog related for her birthday present, obviously. Using Pinterest for ideas and inspiration, I decided on a simple white t-shirt with a quirky dog graphic.dog t front4

dog tee_back

I had read about freezer paper stencilling on a couple of blogs, I wasn’t sure if it was sold in the UK but I found some in Hobby Craft. It’s simple to use and very effective for graphic prints on fabric. Here’s what you do… freezer paper instruction3

What would you give to a little girl that loves dogs? If you have any fun ideas, please share. I may need some inspiration for Christmas.


*Happy Birthday Bebe ♥


18 thoughts on “A gift for a little girl who loves dogs

  1. love it! as we have a family dog and my little girl knows nothing else than to have a cute dog as a big sister, this shirt would be perfect for her as well! such a nice idea!


  2. I used to do loads of fabric painting when my kids were little. You have inspired me to think about doing a fun project with my DGD! Thanks!!


    • I used one coat and let it dry over night. In the morning I ironed it and then I did a little re touching, just on the areas that I thought needed it. You probably don’t need to wait as long as I did though, check the instructions on the paint for clarification. Looking forward to seeing what you design.


  3. LOVE THIS!! I just used freezer paper for the first time recently too and it is magical. I might have to make this for my niece, she is about the same age and also loves dogs 🙂


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